Odd Ball…and It’s Okay

I am an odd ball.  I have never fit in and thank goodness I have never had the desire to fit in.  There is this music that flows from my heart and I have enjoyed dancing to every beat of it.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the “music” of others, I do, I completely do…..but time after time it seems like I am dancing “The Carlton” while everyone else is doing the bus stop or the running man or some other cool dance (okay – are those still cool? lol)  Anyway, I am sure you know what I mean.

While I have always known that I am a little different, for the first time in my life I accept it…. and I am okay with it.  I am not going to have “game or swagger” with men and know all of the right things to say to them. Hopefully the right one will be captivated by my quirkiness and love me anyway.  I will probably always have a hair out of place or start pondering the universe with people who could care less…. this list could go on and on..lol
I am not going to fight it or beat myself up anymore….I am me and while I am me I still have some more work to do to be a better version of me, of who God created.
So my friends, are you loving on you today and most importantly are you loving on the God who made you.
Remember you are a fingerprint of God….unique in your own special way, don’t fight it.