Meant to Endure

There is a guy that works in the office who some people don’t enjoy talking to.  They call him the “cloud”, because he seems to be a little gloomy here and there.  I enjoy talking with him.  I understand where he is coming from on a lot of different things and we enjoy a similar humor.  The other day I asked him how things were going and he said, “Well, some days are meant to be endured”.   I gasped with delight.  How true is that?  We are not always going to have rock star days and that is perfectly normal.  There will be tough days, but do your best to get through them and if you can, take a little bit of a lesson from each of those days to help make you better.

I told him that I was going to borrow that thought for the rest of my life…..some days are meant to be endured and I will do just that.  I think I am gon run on to see what the end is going to be.

Peace –