His Best Friend

Do you know what I like about this video from President and First Lady Obama?  I like the fact that he called Michelle Obama is best friend.  I love it!  How blessed is she to have a man who realizes the importance of having his wife as his best friend.

We live in a world where men are married, but having another woman deemed as his best friend – this has always seemed a little off to me.   I mean come on….if I have committed to loving you and building our lives together, shouldn’t I be your best friend as a woman.   Don’t get me wrong, it is important for the man in my life to have friends and even another best friend…if he is a man.   I can think of no woman, who would be satisfied with another woman having influence over her man and her household.  I can think of no woman, who would be pleased with her husband needing to talk to his best friend so he calls Susie for advice on his life, but you are the one living life with him….oh heck naw.    This has nothing to do with insecurities or jealously, but has everything to do with boundaries.  I am sure that Susie would tell you that there is no harm in her being your husband’s best friend, but at the same time would never tolerate her man having a female best friend.  This is a real issue, one that needs to be discussed early on in a relationship.  You would think that this would be the natural gravity in the course of dating and growing to love someone but that is not always the case,  it is worth knowing,