Not Who I Was

It is funny how the adversary will continue to do the same things in an effort to knock you off course. The things that I used to get mad at, irate at…..I just kind of shake my head now and move on.  This afternoon a notion passed through my mind that said in order for me to “have anything healthy”, healthy relationships, healthy affiliations… etc.  that I was going to have to completely separate myself from a person that I have known for almost 20 some years.  I kind of tucked that away in the back of my mind until stumbled across something this evening that confirmed that notion.    I have come to the conclusion that there are people who don’t want you to be okay because they are not okay themselves and sometimes you have to leave people where they are at and pray that they look in the mirror…… not to straighten the mask that they wear, but to take it off and look at themselves and the things that they knowingly to do others to cause pain, division, or just being manipulative. The spirit of provocation is alive and knocking at the door, but I refuse to answer it…..I am not perfect, but I thank God that I am not who I was….