Mother Bear

I have held my peace with a person for well over a year. Tonight, I found out something that involved the safety of children, which put me at my limit. I went off….not completely off but just enough for some good footage (yep). This person proceeded to video tape me as I was yelling at him.  Just like the devil, trying to make a big deal out of something that you did in response to his abuse, negligence, and manipulations.  So sick of seeing and hearing abuse. I am sick of a person tolerating abuse for the sake of having a man in her life and not for the safety and mental well-being of her children. I am sick of the isolation and destruction that came with this thing… this thing that clothed itself and posed as “love”. Quite surprised at myself because “old me from way back and around the way” would have opened up that “special can” to take care of business but I think God snatched that from me a while ago. Say what you want.  Cast that first stone, but I will not apologize, ever, for standing up for children, no one should.