I Am An Introvert!!!!!

Yes, I am introvert!!!  (standing on a mountain top, beating my chest – okay that is a bit much lol)

One of the most common misconceptions about introverts is that they don’t like people. Not true,  I love people.  I am captivated by their stories, the fellowship and I am compelled to reach out to inspire, learn from, and help people.  I love parties and gatherings, BUT, being around people is draining for an introvert.  Soooo….if I step away for a few minutes it is only to recharge with my owns thoughts, some quiet, and then I am as good as new.

For years, I have been told that there is something wrong with me.  Well I could say the same of extroverts, come on, what is wrong with these people?   You know, those super hype people who want to know exactly why you aren’t “hype” like them and then proceed to try to make you super hype to validate their insanity?  lol 

Bottomline my fellow innies, know, love, appreciate how you are, and while it is important to bend, don’t allow the others to push your boundaries too too far.  The world needs you!  Can you imagine a world FULL of extroverts, oh goodness no!   Now come on – let’s go ponder the universe. 

(BTW – pondering the universe is one of my favorite things to do…it really is – I get butterflies just thinking about it)