Get Your Own Piece of Candy

Still simmering on this: Received an early morning phone call from a young lady who is devastated that her “man” has decided to stay with his wife.I can’t offer a lot of grace on my tongue in cases like this. After talking a while I just bottom lined it with a question, if someone has a piece of candy in their mouth and they took it out and offered it to you would you take it and eat? She said no that is gross. My response: Welp….knowingly “sharing” a man (or woman) is kind of just like that. Silence……
Reminded me of this video where this woman is crying and going on like she is a victim in this situation, um no.A lyric in this song references the other woman/wife who is begging him to stay with her….well, if you have to beg a man to come home, stay with you, or not to leave, honey he is already gone. Men like this, enjoy the amenities of desperate women.